Hope For Your Marriage – August 31 2015

PrayerLife Tracy Art

The greatest relational separation imaginable exists between fallen man and our holy God.  Jesus’ death and resurrection have made our reconciliation with God possible. We were separated from God, but through his son, Jesus, he has made it possible for us to enter into an intimate relationship with him. If God can restore the greatest relational separation imaginable … then there is hope for your marriage.

Self-Care For Spiritual First Responders

Tracy & Debra Marriage Life

Self-Care For Spiritual First Responders

First Responders are vulnerable to “compassion fatigue” – emotional exhaustion caused by the stress of caring for others. As spiritual first responders, we can fall victim to the burnout of constant ministry. The primary casualty is frequently our marriage.

The resignation of a leader in my own association of churches due to moral failure illustrates Paul’s concern that after ministering to others he, himself, would be disqualified (1 Cor. 9:27).

Debra and I suggest making a date with your spouse and discussing these three Life giving rhythms to care for your marriage and enhance your long-term ministry effectiveness.

Life-giving words – “Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Prov 18:21). Impart life through words of praise, affection, and understanding.

Life-giving actions – Communicate thoughtfulness and intentionality through serving each other. Complete a project or write a note.

Life-giving time – Debra and I try to schedule one Saturday morning every six to eight weeks for a mini-retreat to fuel our souls and plan our calendar.

The vision of ChurchNEXT is helping leaders and churches succeed. Caring for our marriage is foundational to the success of that vision.

(Written for ChurchNEXT)

Additional MarriageLife Resources:                                                                    

Casey and Meygan Caston – Marriage 365 – Marriage365.org

Curt and Rhonda Hamner – Between Two Trees – BetweenTwoTrees.org

Mark and Pam Taft – Bethesda House – PastorRetreats.org

Tracy’s website: ServantLeaderLife.com

Debra’s website: Sovereigndipity.com (soon to be active)

Recognizing Compassion Fatigue – http://www.compassionfatigue.org/pages/symptoms.html

(Book) Hedges: Loving Your Marriage Enough to Protect It – by Jerry Jenkins


God is Omnipotent – August 30 2015

PrayerLife Tracy ArtGod will fulfill all His will. He has all knowledge, all power, and is present everywhere. He will accomplish everything He has declared, everything He has promised, and everything He has purposed to do. All things are possible with God because He is the Almighty One.

God’s Wrath – August 29 2015

PrayerLife Tracy ArtGod intensely hates all sin. He is opposed to everything that is contrary to his holy character. He has provided a way for our sin to be forgiven through faith in His son, Jesus. All who refuse His gift, however, will experience His wrath. Let’s prayerfully consider the wrath of God.

God is Jealous – August 28 2015

PrayerLife Tracy Art

The bible says that God is a jealous God. We typically think of jealousy as a negative trait. When people are jealous its because they selfishly want the attention or love that someone else is receiving. God’s jealousy, however, is righteous because He knows that loving him is in our best interest. He alone is worthy of our exclusive love, devotion, and allegiance.

God is Righteous – August 27 2015

PrayerLife Tracy ArtGod is righteous, which means he always acts in accordance with what is right. God is, himself, the final standard for all that is right and just and true. The bible declares that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5). Let’s acknowledge God’s righteousness in prayer together.

God is Peace – August 26 2015

Peace is dePrayerLife Tracy Artsired throughout societies around the world. One of God’s attributes is peace, and his kingdom is characterized by peace. Jesus, himself, is the Prince of Peace. The only source of true, satisfying peace is from God. Let’s invite the peace of God into our lives today.

The Time Is Near – August 23 2015

PrayerLife Tracy Art

The last chapter of the Bible leaves us with no doubt that the fulfillment of Bible prophecy is near. In Revelation, chapter 22, we read, “These words are trustworthy and true. And the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must soon take place” (Rev. 22:6). “Behold, I am coming soon” (22:7). “The time is near” (22:10). “Behold, I am coming soon” (22:12). “He who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’ Amen. Come, Lord Jesus!” (22:20)

Prophecy Motivates Purity – August 22 2015

PrayerLife Tracy Art

Prophecy is intended to motivate us toward godly living. Regarding End Time events the Apostle Peter writes, “Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness?” (2 Peter 3:11)

Praying For Hume Lake – August 21 2015

HUME LAKE EDITIONToday fire is raging out of control in the Sierra National Forest of Northern California. Hume Lake Christian Conference Center is in the path of the fire and in danger of being destroyed. Please pray with me, along with many others, that God would miraculously spare Hume Lake and preserve its impact for future generations.